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Re: Art for Healing

i've found just getting out and about to discover new places new things and objects to photograph paint or observe is a way to step outside of the norm - it can be invigorating creating and exploring sometimes any reason to get out of the house is a good reason.. 


Open House111342142.jpg

Re: Art for Healing









Re: Art for Healing


Re: Art for Healing

The best part is being w nature this was taken a while back just thought i would share20230623_144944.jpg

Re: Art for Healing

I do art at home everyday! What sort of activities? I'm in !

Re: Art for Healing

This sounds interesting 

Re: Art for Healing

I would love to be part of this, doing some art therapy/ craft now in fact

Re: Art for Healing







Hello @Vanya @hanami @Daddymac @supermodel great photos. @Rubyrose1 @Livethroughthis & everyone


I was wondering what types of art you all do.


I have been playing with watercolour. I stopped for few weeks. I started making mandala cards with colour changing pens. I will add photo.


@hanami how are you? I'm not sure what this thread is about - it has gone quiet. Do you have any art ideas for us?






A 'abstract' art table set up;




Cat TV photo



Mandala art cards;







Re: Art for Healing

Hi @StanD  

I really like your paintings 

at the moment I’m playing around with mixed media using recycled cans, it’s a bit of a change for me as I’ve always been a printmaker.

having been going though some deep personal stuff regarding my family and my mental health I’ve decided to work through my trauma with art and it’s lead me to what I’m doing now as it suit my vision of what I want to convey, Trauma is difficult and for me even more difficult to depict, but I’m hoping this will help me heal from years of unanswered Questions and maybe help other that have issues with mental illness and family trauma



@hanami my home space has been intruded upon.
So I lost hope with keeping anything that would disclose some psychological insight into who I am.
How do I combat this?
Art has always been my alliance. I have felt so
Invaded- That
Nothing is secret anymore.