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When BPD keeps kicking you.

I'm 35, been diagnosed with BPD for the last four years, in DBT for the last 15 months. This may sound like a crap story but I need to get it out and l don't want to have to talk to lifeline.

I saw my psyche yesterday and I was in a reasonably good space. I have problems with over-attachment and a belief that if I can get into a relationship that will last, it'll make me whole/fix my problems. I'm trying really hard to break that pattern.

My therapist wants me to spend three months not looking for a relationship so I've deleted my dating apps. In conjunction with this, I battle anxiety and have been trying exposure therapy by going to bars by myself.

I was alone for most of the day which I take responsibility for, I should have been stricter about leaving the house. I was lonely and decided to go to a bar I like in Richmond to try and get out of the house and hopefully talk to someone. It was really quiet and I sat at the bar. I realise now I should have gone to the beer garden. No-one spoke to me, I can't begin to describe the agony of having to admit that. I feel like dirt and really want to self-harm but don't want my family to see the SH injuries. It's so hard to feel worth something. I'm trying to manage crisis now and it's because I was trying to help myself out. I'm not looking for anyone's pity but it's so torturous to be fine one minute, with your friends and family thinking your ok and then within the space of hours, trying to avoid suicidal ideation.

I apologise if the language is too graphic, this is my first post so I'm not sure what the language protocols are on here.

Is there anyone with BPD who's gone through/going through the DBT process and nothing gets easier just harder?

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Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

Hi again @notmyrealname1 . How are you feeling now?

Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

Hi Teej, ok, thank you for asking 🙂


Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

Hi @notmyrealname1

im so sorry no one else has jumped in. It's a difficult time of the year. There a couple of current regular forum contributors with BPD. One is away for a few weeks (@Change123) and the other is @BlueBay. I know there are others but having a hard time thinking off the top of my head. 

How has your day gone? 

If tomorrow night is a hard one for you I can tag you into any discussions that might be happening if you are around. 

Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

Hi @notmyrealname1

Its a hard time of the year at the moment, but glad you're working with a therapist. I was dx with bpd, though this has been disputed by my therapist, though i will say i have definite traits. i dont know. life is confusing at the best of times. and my psychiatrist says hes not treating me for bpd, just the mdd... 

I hope the forums are helpful for you,


Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

Hi Teej,

The ongoing concern is so appreciated. Thanks, I'll follow up with the names you've suggested. 🙂

Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

Hi lj,

Thanks for the reply and the wishes. Ahh the joy of differing diagnoses, lol.

Best 🙂

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Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

Hello! just interrupting, gate crashing threads, grog in hand, kind of a 'pub crawl' to wish you all a Great New Year!!! Stay Strong! 🙂 xox

Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

lol @Former-Member the thread crasher

Hi @notmyrealname1 how are you?


Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

Ok, thanks lj 🙂