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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?


Nice cup of tea tonight please ...  🍃

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?


I saw these tea things in a really weird film called "The Curse of the Golden Flower". I didn't like the film, and I didn't like the way the teacups were used in the film. But I thought the teacups were incredible. I'm more of a coffee sort actually but I think it would be cool to sit under a pagoda covered with wisteria and honeysuckle and drink some sort of amazing tasting tea out of cups like these with you all.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?


That cup looks amazing.

 I think the Chinese culture must produce some wonderful types of teacups and teapots.  

My Dad visited China with a long-term Chinese friend, and brought back a pair of tall Chinese mugs from pottery, with pottery tea-strainer inserts, and a pottery lid - totally self-contained units, so well made ....

We have a local coffee shop that sells little cast-iron teapots with a matching trivet - beautiful but expensive.  They are very ornate in the cast-iron detail.

Hope everyone has a good morning .... I'm going for a quick walk, then heading off to visit my Dad in hospital to see whether he's coming home today or not.


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Having a tough day today. It's cool and wet and overcast. I'm very sore and not moving too well due to the weather. Hubby is on one of his 1 in 3 days. It seems around every 3rd day he comprehends a little less, is more angry, more argumentative, even more dissociated. Today he's reminded me he can behave however he wants because he's not normal anymore and I must accept it because how do I know I'm normal, since there's no such thing.

On top of that, the person who drew up the septic plans for our house decided we're having a composting (long drop into an enclosed bucket system that has to be changed over) toilet in our suburban house, without any consultation whatever, and won't communicate at all about it. I only know what he decided because I looked up the name of the system he wrote on the plans. I said i wanted a worm farm system, because I don't a high maintenance system that costs hundreds of dollars a year to have maintained. Hubby thinks its fine, presumably because I don't want it. He says, there are lots of advantages, and can list one but can't see the disadvantages.

So, I'm having a scotch if anyone cares to join me 🙂

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hey @artee

Lets make that an Irish Coffee, heavy in the Scotch, and I'll have one with you ...

My hubby is sounding much like yours at th moment, albeit different reasons !

Hugs !!

Not applicable

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Yes please,
I'll have a scotch with you today!
+ 🍷🍸🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹
Numb reality, in cyberspace at least

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Former-Member ready for another? I've made a new realisation today - perhaps it was the virtual alcohol. Hubby's has frontal lobe damage, obvious to everyone but him. I realised what he does constantly is attempt to invalidate me every chance he gets. For example, I said I'm cold, so he immediately went and checked the thermometer and said Its not cold, He does that kind of thing dozens of times a day. No wonder I'm always second guessing myself. It's a form of gaslighting.


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Faith-and-Hope Lets make that a Russian style Irish coffee (I was on a cruise ship once, crewed by Russians - they're not afraid of making STRONG drinks 🙂

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Let's put on some background music and try to relax a little @artee and @Former-Member ....

Now that you can recognise what is going on with your husband @artee, maybe it can help you to not engage with those behaviours in the same way you side-step a bratty child's attempts at trouble-making ....

That is what I have had to do with my hubby .... works most of the time ... but sometimes he catches me off-guard and I find myself in the middle of a no-win senseless arguement .... and have to start telling myself to just be quiet, not answer him, just drop it, let it go, etc because it's not leading anywhere positive and he is completely closed off to sensibility and reason in that moment ...

More coffee ??

Big hugs !!


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Great idea. I will have a camomile tea and lots of good moooosik as it sees that is the only thing that gets us through the day