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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Me too @Lost1 


Would you care for an iced chocolate instead?

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Well I tried to get an iced latte thru drive thru today as a treat and they forgot the ice :face_with_rolling_eyes: sigh. 

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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?




Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

I was going to start knitting a temperature blanket but I fear it will be all red (hot days) 😂

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Anyone for a Mocha (I think that's what it's called) - Hot Choc with a shot of Espresso in it?


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Adge  I like a strong, long black please :). How are you going Adge?

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

You are very welcome to a strong Long Black @greenpea

I sometimes have that myself - although I love the frothy stuff & chocolate sprinkles on a Capuccino.

Weekends on my own (which is how it usually is) feel like a waste - gets me down.

I have done lots of good personal growth reading, & journal-writing - that's helpful, & always a good thing.

How have you been?


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Adge  Has been a good weekend. Nothing special happened but that is okay too. Did much needed gardening and some cleaning around the house. Have been super healthy this weekend. It is a bit boring but I do feel better for it :).  Your reading sounds interesting and journal writing too. I must get into writing more @eth  and I were discussing her writing throughout the day. Very clever to be able to write.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Yes @eth is very clever to be able to write @greenpea 

Her writing sounds really interesting too.

Super-healthy, that sounds good - tasty too?

Journal writing is my main creative outlet - especially with writing down the flashbacks or recent events.


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Adge  How is work treating you? Are they being kind to the finch?