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Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Cello? That's not a common household object @Former-Member . I hope that went to a loving home. 🙂


Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

The cello went to the daughter of family friends who wants to learn how to play @Smc.  

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

🙂 Sounds good.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Three items of clothing and a few bits of bric a brac put aside to be taken to op shop. 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

@Former-Member  Rearranged cupboard so shoes live in wire racks and not a big messy pile anymore - yay !!! Finally I can see them all and choose quickly in the mornings with no stress ... one pair of shoes in bin too ... and a painting to the op shop that I was never going to hang as I inherited it and Never liked it 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

@Sophie1, inherited items are tricky. Sometimes they need a "cooling off" time before you can decide if you really want/need to keep them. Ditto gifts.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Getting shoes in order √


The bric a brac that I am taking to op shop is primarily unwanted gifts @Smc  @Sophie1. Have added a few more items (the box to go is filling up quicker than I thought it would).

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Trying to motivate myself to get into our shed today. Promised dad in law I would make room for his car before I started back at Uni. 

Better get busy lol. Fast running out of time. 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

I am yet to fully investigate, but I am almost certain we have stuff in our shed from when we moved 7 years ago @Determined.

There are also some light fittings out there too, we got enough to do a few rooms in the house but only got electrician to replace the ones that were actually broken. 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

@Former-Member, we did a cull about 5 years into our marriage of wedding presents and suchlike that we'd never used. Felt a bit odd doing so even at that stage, but I hope someone has enjoyed them instead of them dust-gathering at our place.

I do regret putting a couple of teacup sets out in the sale. One was a prize I got at the Angling Club that Dad used to take me to (he did most of the work, so I'm not sure who it should have gone to. :P) and the other was from my Grandma. I do however have other Dad and Daughter memoirs, including Angling Club ones, and other things of Grandma's that I do use and/or love, so I'm not too bereft.
I've found a lot of unused gifts at Mum and Dad's place too, and some of their wedding gifts that were proudly displayed in a glass doored buffet were never put into use because they were "special". I've got full intentions of lovingly using a few of those. Others will be passed on.


I have told our "kids" as they've moved out of home to check with us before buying household stuff, in case we have spares to pass on to them. That partially works... part of moving out is establishing your own adult identitiy, so they don't necessarily want our bits and bobs. But a few things have been useful to them. Hassle is that a lot of it is still being used by us.
We're "inheriting" Mum and Dad's household just a little bit too late for the older three to be receivers, and a bit too early for our youngest. Still trying to get my head around what we need to cull from ours to take in the things we really want to keep from theirs.


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