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Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

I am viewing it as a positive topic to discuss @Hope4me , and I agree with the sentiments you have put forward.  When we have put our heads together in the past with positive tweaking or problem solving in mind, as a community we have generally done well ..... 


I am sorry you are feeling triggered, and I hope it settles again quickly ..... 🌷I think it’s a good thing we are trying to sort out here, so I would like to thank you for raising it.

Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.


I hope you settle from being triggered. Heart I thought it was a really good idea to raise and talk about.


It can also be so tricky as we only see part of the person through their posts and dont know all the things they are juggling or how vulnerable they are.  Please do not take as criticism that I have different feelings around negative, positive and rumination.  We cant all be the same and I dont want that anyway.  Part of getting to know each other is in teasing out these issues.  As @Former-Member  asked a question I thought I would open it up by tagging others. I hope I did not do the wrong thing. Take Care and Hugz


Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hi everyone, 

I just wanted to let you know that us Community Managers have seen your responses and are just taking some time to read through them properly and get a good understanding of some of the insights raised. Didn't want you to think we aren't here but we also don't want to rush a response to what are some really important thoughts.


I think having a group discussion about a space that we all have a very close, emotional connection with, can sometimes be a bit challenging but also so so rewarding. This space isn't about what we want as the forums team but what works well for the community and around what we hear from the community itself. So it's really nice to be getting all this feedback! It also looks like you have all been really respectful and transparent in this conversation and @Hope4me - you have done a wonderful job to raise this discussion! I know it can be a bit overwhelming to read through a lot of feedback, and you raised that group settings can be a bit triggering but it sounds like you have managed your triggers so well and openly so I hope you are feeling the suppport coming through and know that this conversation has been very helpful to get started 🌻


Re: Creating a section for member's journal threads.

Hi everyone,


We have taken some time to review all the comments and ideas that have come through here. 


Thank you for providing so much insight, you have all shared a lot around the impact of positive and negative of rumination as well as looking at where and how we could potentially place long/extended threads.


The idea that @Faith-and-Hope  raised was a great one – where, when a thread starts getting extended and long and reflecting more of a story type format, then we will move that thread to the ‘our stories’ section. Thanks for submitting this idea!


It’s been wonderful to have this discussion and it will be great to see how it goes moving forward with longer threads going into the ‘our stories’ section. Community Managers will action this overtime by gradually posting in the thread to let members know it has been moved.


As this topic has been thoroughly explored here, we are going to close this thread. However, if you have any further thoughts that you would like to raise with us, please feel free to email us at


Thanks everyone!

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