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Something’s not right

Re: Morning has broken

oh dear @Eve7 

Sorry to hear you are still in hospital but happy that you are feeling better.

I guess it's better to stay in for a couple of extra days than go home, get worse again, and have to go back in.


Hoping you can entertain yourself today hon.


Re: Morning has broken

Thanks @Snowie @Emelia8 , Dr just came and now he’s saying “let’s look at Tuesday”. 😩

Re: Morning has broken

Oh no @Eve7 

Must feel like an eternity away. They must really think you need the meds and the observation.

I hope someone has been able to bring you in some clean clothes at least. 

Re: Morning has broken

It does seem like forever @Snowie I have all my pink Peter Alexander nightwear in here now. It’s not like mh where you wear “clothes” during the day but I am sitting up in my room most of the day and watching Netflix.


How was your day?

Re: Morning has broken

I guess you are not quite as well yet as you would like to think you are @Eve7 . I am happy that the Dr is taking a sensible and cautious approach to your care. Tuesday isn't that far away. Sending 💕 your way.

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 wrote:

Still in hospital @NatureLover hopefully home tomorrow. I am much better. How are you?

I see that the doc is thinking Tuesday for you to go home @Eve7 ... You must be quite sick still. Hope it goes quickly till then... 🤞


I'm trying to avoid another slump where I can't cope or face anything. Hoping to get to work today and that that helps. 


Sending 💛

Re: Morning has broken

Hopefully less than 24 hours to go in this hospital. I’ve already accepted my pdoc appointment for this Thursday so 🤞🤞.


Respiratory Dr wants to do some scans, now what @Emelia8 @NatureLover ???


All my worst fears are returning and now an MI isn’t the worst of my worries.


Always look on the bright side….

Re: Morning has broken

Hopefully the scans are nothing more than a precautionary thing @Eve7 . Hopefully all okay and you can still be discharged tomorrow ❤️

Re: Morning has broken

Home tomorrow @Emelia8 hopefully everything is clear.


How are you dear friend?

Re: Morning has broken

That's good @Eve7 👍 


Feeling pretty sad today. Attended the funeral this afternoon of a good friend of my late husband. A really nice fellow. He'd just turned 70 and suffered a major heart attack last week. His service was held in the same crematorium as my husband's service was held. So lots of memories and a few unavoidable tears 😭. It was pretty hard.

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