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I feel like I cant get a breath in

just sitting here with the dog doing nothing minding my own business feel like I cant breath properly and my hearts racing I don’t know what I did to get anxious it’s getting really uncomfortable but I don’t don’t know how to make it go away when I don’t know why it happened this happened earlier today dontceant know i cant stand it right now 

why is my heart racing so quickly and I feel so tense

someone please help make it stop

my partner is in trying to get one of our kids to sleep i cant bother her with this 


why though 


Re: I feel like I cant get a breath in

I know you hate when people suggest breathing @ArraDreaming. It does help me though. 

Can you try and focus on something else. Did you and the boys do anything fun in the weekend? 

Re: I feel like I cant get a breath in

it’s hard not to think about it when its right there

Re: I feel like I cant get a breath in

What the FUCK

Re: I feel like I cant get a breath in

Hey @ArraDreaming - it's so hard when this stuff comes seemingly out of nowhere. Focus if you can on taking things slow and one step at a time. Like @Captain24 breathing slow and deep really does help. Remember that no feelings last forever. 


Is your partner still attending to the little ones? Could you try to make yourself a cup of tea or something, give you something to focus on? 


Here beside you mate. 

Re: I feel like I cant get a breath in


Re: I feel like I cant get a breath in

@ArraDreaming aye, that is super frustrating and pretty scary. Can imagine it's super confusing to have to sit with it, and that it seems to be happening so often for you. 


Do you think you could talk to your partner about having her come sit with you, maybe some physical contact if you're open to it? Co-regulation is a thing, we can sometimes vibe off each other and being with someone more calm might help your nervous system. 

Re: I feel like I cant get a breath in

yeah when’s she done our kid won’t go to sleep so she is still trying to get him to sleep @Jynx so im just sitting on my own for now

Re: I feel like I cant get a breath in

not even meant to be in this dumb website on a Monday to start with hey here I am stupid

Re: I feel like I cant get a breath in

@ArraDreaming I'm glad she'll be with you soon. You jus gotta hang on for now, I totally believe in you mate 💜


I'm knocking off in about 10 min, but another mod will be around if you want to tag them in. 


I am sorry that this is so awful and confusing for you. Human brains are so weird, they mis-fire and tell us we're being chased by tigers even when we're just chilling at home. I hope that your partner is not too long, and that these feelings pass all too soon. I'll see you round, probably tomorrow 😊