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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Faith-and-Hope Lemon and ginger has been the go around here .. do you like it?

I have been thinking of how you have to deal with your WH eating disorders... it is bit like my reconnected little brother.  For the first 20 years (after reconnection when I was first a mum) it was all excessive fun, bad naughty food, eating out, money, thrill thrill thrill. I was breathless just keeping up with little kids in tow. 

Then he had kids and the last 10 years with his cancer .. he is trying to prove he is a 'poster child for colorectal' .. actually uses those terms. Like it take teens a while to grow up it seems to take men a while too.



Putting in the small town social background of your situation makes a lot of sense.  It puts your family life in perspective.  At some level we have to stop self reciminations ... A parent cant be superhuman and provide high level care 24/7 ... 7 days per week ... 52 wk p year ... What is a watch ... on a boat or in a guard ... the men roster on and take turns ... Mother please forgive yourself for being human.  I tried to do it to ... I may have had my eyes open but pushed myself to the extreme where though I could see ... I had no energy emotional or mental to actually deal with what was before me ... We do not choose to have a break down ... there are choices in life ... but that does not mean we make simplistic choices to 'break down' or 'be happy'.  There are accumulation of stressors that take a real toll on our health.

I chose to eat with my ex after my daughter's high school graduation ... for her and to keep the peace for all three children.  She excluded me from her uni graduation and asked my mother instead. I was the first to graduate in my family, but was shot down rather than appreciated. So that the only graduation I ever went to was my mothers.  Though I supported mum and my daughter ...

I know my posts arent all nice and supportive but a mixed bag. Its just cuppa time and I am just hoping there is room somewhere in the world for my broken down truth and to share what we have in common.

I'll check @Former-Member model link


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Yeah @Appleblossom, I can relate ....


And @Former-Member, many, many parents, me included, have had close calls with losing their children .... it can happen any time, on anyone's watch, and single-parenting means there is no "roster" of shared responsibility, as there wasn't for me with a workaholic husband .... what befell you with your girl could have befallen any one of us .... I can't answer you why you drew a short straw with that, but I can tell you it's not fair for you to carry the guilt .... what happened happened through no fault of yours.  

Asthma is an illness.  It takes some people's lives.  The illness my WH has can take lives too .... and I can't afford to let that thought take over my life.  

You are having to find life back out from under the trauma you lived, and I hope and pray we are helping you to do that ..... so glad to have met you here @Former-Member .... so glad to be walking with you and you with me, and with many others here .... we can't always see the purpose in the moment .... but that is what living by faith means .....

Big hugs - 

Much ❤️❤️❤️

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hello @Appleblossom Heart

hi @Faith-and-Hope

what is everyone having tonight ?? I think a nice big cup of coffee will be great

Not applicable

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Na, Jasmine tea for me thank you 🌿

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

that sounds nice @Former-Member , I will have one with you

might help me to sleep tonight

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Me too pls 😏

Don't think I'm going to be up much longer tonight ...


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hello all

Green tea for me tonight

I may get to bed soonish.


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hello everyone HeartHeart

Thank you @CherryBomb, @NikNik, @Former-Member, @Former-Member and all my friends on the forum

Thankyou for all all support you have given me and my Hubby

Though you I have been able to help my Hubby more

and also help my cousin who is 50 and has secondary  cancer , she feels tired of fighting , then get angry and then depressed and i have been able to help her cope

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi @unsurewhattodo @Telopea @Rali @KeepDancing

Just tagging you from our virtual cafe, in case you want to drop in and have a chat here occasionally ... it's a chance to get to know some of our members a bit socially ....

Fancy a cuppa ?

🌸 F&H

Not applicable

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Watching a comedy resting 🌷