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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi @Shaz51 Yes, one BIG coffee coming up...


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

thanks @Adge  , how are you going

see you later my super @greenpea 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Work is being very unkind @greenpea 

It's the "Not for Profit" sector & the Disability employment sector (in general) - not the people, or even just this employer (job).

Recent changes, involving repeated threats - if I don't sign contracts "Nominating to use my own car" (for them) are unworkable.

I have only been earning $300 (before tax) per week, for the past 8 weeks - that is far less than unemployment benefits. It does not pay my bills.

That's why I needed to resign - yet am too scared to face Centrelink...



Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Goodnight @greenpea Sleep tight.

Hi @Shaz51

No rain here, dry as a desert...


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi everybody / anyone who is still up and about ..... 👋💕

Not applicable

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

You're home! @Faith-and-Hope 

Hi back to you


Sherry 😊💕

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

❤️ @Former-Member  ....

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Adge  Sorry to hear that Adge. I know you have been unhappy for some time in your job and yes I can understand your reservations about going into Centrelink. Are there any other jobs out there that tickle the finches fancy?

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Adge, if earnings that low are regulary or semi-regulary you could possibly get Newstart and keep your job too. 😞
IF you went for Newstart they might want you to look for more hours elsewhere, or they might decide with your health issues, that you're doing enough hours.
However, if you quit and then apply, there's likely to be a penalty waiting period before they start paying anything.
Up to you. I know it's not nice jumping through their hoops.


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Faith-and-Hope, welcome back! We've missed you. 😄
