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Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Yeah ok     to be honest I haven't spoken to anyone from sane    


I've only spoken to you.  I felt bad for not replying sooner to your tagged 


I love watching dogs swim.  It's a calming thing    have you watched the new Beetlejuice?  Whatever it's called @ArraDreaming  

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Nah I have no idea what that is @Sunnyside226

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

You doing anything tonight? @ArraDreaming  

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Nah home tonight @Sunnyside226
Had plans but decided not to go we don’t really have any money at the moment

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Hey @ArraDreaming  


Thanks for being here and being my friend.  


I don't feel like  I belong here   I hope you look after yourself   


Again thankyou mate 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I meant I feel like I don't belong here sorry bad spelling 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

hey @Sunnyside226 i noticed you mentioned feeling like you don't belong here. firstly, i'm so sorry you feel this way, i know how isolating that can be and i want to make sure you feel heard and seen here. we have our connection threads like 

these are spots for daily connection/check-ins, if you'd like, i'm happy to tag you in so you can get to know more of the members! 

if there's any other way to help you more like you belong here, please do let us know. you matter to us 💙

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Hey @rav3n     when I said I feel like I don't belong here it means nobody seems to want to talk to me again   I don't know if sane is angry at me or if it's because what happened months ago      the only person who wants to talk to me is him    


Please tell me what I've done?  Is sane angry at me for what I said months ago?  That's in the past I'm sorry 


And sure your welcome to tagged me in the things check ins whatever it is  if you like. @rav3n   I'm guessing your new? 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

i can assure you that us SANE mods do not hold grudges and are not angry with you! i'm not sure to what exact situation you're referring to but regardless, we understand that things happen and the important part is we all learn and move forward right?

@Sunnyside226 i'll tag you into the best friend's social circle now, it's usually chattier in the weekdays. also there's a Sunday hangout tonight so feel free to join that too! 

i am a newer mod, been here for a few months now. also, just so you know, sometimes us mods miss certain posts and threads - we have a moderation system where only certain posts come our way so you may need to tag us/other members if you'd like to chat with specific people. so in summary - we're not angry, and we'd love to talk to you! i really appreciate you letting me know 😊

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Hi @Sunnyside226 I want to talk to you, I am just a very busy person so sometimes I see your message and don’t get a chance to respond
No hardfdelings