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Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.


Welcome to our forum family☺

I hear you.

Thanks for sharing your story

I don't have any specific advice but I am someone that believes borderline personality disorder is somtimes misdiagnosed and plus I believe its more tramua based not always but I believe most of the time.

I have MDD and dsythmia and ptsd. I have never done dbt therapy and i have heard it has helped some people with BDP. I also think ACT therapy can help too. I have found focusing on what I am good at helps and doing the things I enjoy.

Hope u start to get some traction.

Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

Hi oceangirl73,

Thanks so much for the thoughts and advice 🙂

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Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

@notmyrealname1 ☺

No worries

How are you now?

What do you do day to day ?

Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

I'm with ya ,I can't believe I found this site overwhelmed to know I'm not alone ,well I'm crying BPD. This is a big deal ,wow I've felt so alone,thank you even though I can't and couldn't take away your pain ,it's a comfort to know I really am not alone,miss

Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

Hi, I have just stumbled upon this forum, and your discussion. I realize it's been months, so I would like to ask how things are going for you now?
I have recently discovered I have BPD, And so far, I haven't found any coping skills 😞
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Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

Hi and welcome @Hopeful86 hope that you find the forums useful. It can be hard to find coping strategies that work and for me I know that some work only some of the time so I kind of need to remember a range of strategies to use if it's no helping. There is a thread some where called the coping box that has ideas too if you search it should come up.
Are you getting some help now you have been diagnosed?

Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

No, they just prescribe the same pills to any mental health illness here. And misdiagnose very often. I'm hopeful that once I move to Australia I will be able to get help

Re: When BPD keeps kicking you.

i bit about bashed by my parents at a very young age .my parents would drop me off at my grandparents housecobyuse the would work till late my grandfather was a bad drinker and voilent too with not only my grandmother but with us kids too.shamed by uncle at a party and my paarents were there and they didnt say a thing to support me at all.i ran away from home at the age of 17 cause i came out as a gay man.the ist man i met how i was with for a number of years was a bad drinker and abusive towards me .on drugs by the age of 28 everything you can think of .people can be horrible.mainly for the ice and been clean since oct 2012.i also did write a journal while in detox,rehab and supported accomidation.even now and to this date my parents dont accept anything that my doctors etc have said to them.this is my second mental health what ever you may call it the 1st one was for the drugs and now this is for my deppression /bpd.alot of my workers that i had around said i have great insight what ever that is to going clean in a detox ,rehab,supported accoumadation wasnt easy at all.i find that my family doesnt dont want to understand .they just think it all in my head.the people that dont help arent worthbeing around .i know i know what your all thinking we all want a relationship wth our mothers or with our fathers we want their love .sometimes you have to let bygons be bygons .YOU ARE STRONG YOU ARE WORTH EVERY PENNY BE AROUND PEOPLE THAT DO UNDERSTAND AND BUILD FROM THERE YOU ARE A VALUBLE PART OF THE COMMUNITY YOU CAN