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Re: My wife, my hero and Complex PTSD

  I am a survivor of childhood trauma. Back in the 80s they labelled me BPD (anxiety / depression). My last excellent PSYCHOLOGIST (not psychiatrist) believes it was an 'unhelpful' label for me as she see's "trauma with a capital 'T'" and prefers cPTSD, my GP, with masters in counselling, she agrees. I have found psychiatrists to be hopeless counsellors / therapists, and highly recommend therapy with a suitably experienced psychologist. Preferably one happy to work WITH yoir wife's psychiatrist in your wife's treatment plan & recovery.  Good mental health workets are not threatened be this. 

Stay strong, see it through - the first steps getting help are the hardest & once your understanding improves you'll both feel more settled. Love is real, and strong and always there - lean on your love for eachother. 

Take Care xox

Re: My wife, my hero and Complex PTSD

This is my first post on this forum. My situation is similar to yours. I hope to both give and take from these forums. You are not alone. Thankyou for sharing.

Re: My wife, my hero and Complex PTSD

Hello Janna,
Your reply is enlightening and I will need to investigate both C-PTSD and blueknot. My wife has been struggling with PTSD for 21 years, due to childhood traumas.

Re: My wife, my hero and Complex PTSD

Hi @Gettingolder and welcome to the forums.  I hope you find the right treatment for your wife as there is light at the end of the tunnel.   Hopefully, the Blueknot Foundation can help as well.

All the best

Janna ❤️

Re: My wife, my hero and Complex PTSD

Hello @Gettingolder and welcome to the forum Smiley Happy

Re: My wife, my hero and Complex PTSD

Welcome to the forums @Gettingolder. I hope you find the forums a helpful and supportive place to be 🙂

Re: My wife, my hero and Complex PTSD

Hey @Cracked1973
Checking in to see how you are going?

Re: My wife, my hero and Complex PTSD

Hi everyone !

Welcome to the forum @Gettingolder ! Sorry for my late response but I have been away at work as well as busy with more problems.

Any mental health condition in a persons live does not only affect the person going through it, but also family and friends. My wife is getting better in small steps(hurray !).Sadly the effects of a troubled relationship have started to come down onto my daughter(13) in the form of SH and worse. More later !

Re: My wife, my hero and Complex PTSD

You are an amazing man for putting your wife first and going the extra mile to try to understand. I also have C-PTSD from a traumatic childhood. Remember that her actions have very little to do with the way she feels about you and  everything to do with how she feels about herself. I healed myself with Buddhism, meditation, becoming aware of myself and most importantly, detaching from the horrible things people made me believe about myself and give those characteristics to the people they belong to. To understand hurt people, hurt people. For me, it wasn't important at all that anyone ever DID anything to make me feel was EVERYTHING to me to finally have someone just listen, acknowledge my feelings, act as if my thoughts and feelings are valid and important. The more she understands and loves herself, the more she will be able to give that to you...but she cannot give you love she doesn't first have with self. 

Re: My wife, my hero and Complex PTSD

How are you going @Cracked73