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Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Swimming togs have been collected. Bonus is that I found a few boy's board shorts to add to them this morning. 🙂

And I've been cleaning up some of the accumulata around the back door. Tossed out a watering can and a large sprayer bottle that were both beyond useful, plus some other bits of junk.

Still baby steps, but they're steps!

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Every step counts @Smc  😀.images (217).jpg


Hearth around wood heater cleaned (including skirting boards behind),  bathroom wiped down, microwave cleaned.  Having a coffee break now 😀.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

I earmarked a few boxes to sort through. Did one and a bit of them today. Some rubbish, some recycling, some things into "proper places", an unwanted nic-nac into the "garage sale or donate" collection.

I got partway into the "bit" and was starting to feel overwhelmed, so I switched to gardening instead. The box will wait for me.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

To complete one and a bit boxes is an achievement @Smc .


Was pleased that the 12 storage tubs of Fowler's bottles and associated items got collected yesterday. 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

@Former-Member, my Fowlers bits and bods are most certainly keepers at present. Plus my sister and I are taking half each of Mum's. I've got bottled peaches and plums in our cupboard at the moment, but I think I've used up the apples... time to do more while they're in season.

I've bottled tomatoes in the past too, but generally haven't had big enough crops to do so. The ones I bottled were given to us by someone who'd used all they wanted and still had more on the vines. They were lovely while they lasted.

Preserving is useful and the results are sooo yum, but it does create the issue of where do you store both full and empty jars, and how many "empties" should you keep in readiness for the next glut? I'm a bit envious of some friends who have been able to turn a walk-in space under their house into a dedicated perserves storage area.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

I still have a saved collection of jars, lids and clips along with an electric kit @Smc.  What went was well in excess of our needs and has been sitting in our shed for nearly 8 years. It will be well used and appreciated at its new location.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

I am going to get rid of some items in the lower drawners this weeeks @Former-Member , @Smc , @Sophie1 , @Determined , @greenpea 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

@Shaz51  Yay for you Shaz51! You know what I have just two pots to cook with lol and don't want to buy anymore so should be interesting with the ndis prep person re cooking for a week. I threw out two things in my kitchen which were getting at me. Crappy things 'dust collectors' my mum calls them and feel so much better for it too.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

'Atta girl @Shaz51 


Glass doored cabinets/book cases = less dusting @greenpea 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

I have just been up in our roof space checking leaks Datling has been anxious about. 😨

I I was not expecting to find much and was only up there to put darlings mind at ease. Well we have now run out of buckets in our house. All of darlings cleaning and gardening buckets are now in the roof space. 


I suspect and hope it will be as easy as replacing roof  screws. But still a big job.