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non-parent carer and centrelink

Hi everyone, 


I'm wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation and could shed some light or offer some support. I've been living with my sister and her 2 kids for the last 3 years. My niece and nephew are both autistic and have adhd, both very hyperactive and need support daily. While my sister is at work, I take care of both of them. They go to their dads maybe once or twice a week and it's just my sister and I caring for them. I'm currently on jobseeker and I've told my job provider about my situation but I feel like there is a lack of support. I'm going back to studies next year, but I'm treading carefully for fear of burning out again. I don't feel understood in this situation and it feels like I'm just in a little bubble with my sister, niece and nephew. Has anyone been through or going through the something similar?


Re: non-parent carer and centrelink

Hi @Bafflelaffle 

I've not been a carer, but i have dealt with centrelink and job providers a fair bit before I was put on the DSP earlier this year.  To be fair, the last person I saw through my job provider was actually really good.  This was on the stream B (or whatever they call it) or the one where you've been assessed to have lower mutual obligations due to health concerns.


So apart from her, most of the others were terrible.  They only seemed to care about getting me a job, and getting their bonus.  While this sounds like a positive, they don't actually help you get a job, just bug you and call you in for endless meetings and presentations, that get in the way of finding a job. 


So I don't know if you have already, but have you talked to someone at Centrelink?  It sounds like you may be eligible for carers allowance if you don't already get it.  I always found the people at Centrelink far more helpful than the people in the job provider networks.  Most of them just seemed to really hate their jobs.  Maybe that's why there was always such high staff turnover.  I rarely saw the same person 3 times in a row.